POLITICAL ANIMALS-Novembver 23rd 1963 The Day after F. Kennedy was assasinated--Peter Paul Verzola remembers Franklin Pierce 14th president one of the most incompetent Larry Wu tai Chin--Little known but one of the best spies in US History--from 1948 through 1969--CIA analyst spying for Red China made a million dollars unlike the Walker Spy family who worked for the Soviets Poon Lim--Chinese seaman Torpedoed in 1942 but survived 133 days on a raft in the Atlantic--variation on THE LIFE OF PI? SOURCE OF AMERICANS PUMKIN PIE? Questions you should ask if you buy a prebaked puMkin pie Are Swifts Butterball Turkeys Abused? Brutalized? Bashed and Beaten? Gustave Swift Meat Packer November 23rd Births -Deaths & Events relevant to US(a) Boris Karlov & Merle Oberon--Anglo Indians who became American-British Movie Stars ARIZONAS CONTROVERSIAL SHERIFFS--ARAPAO& BARBEAU BOTH RELECTED--6th Term for Arapaio Kanasas State Court Scandal involving Court Research Attorney Ms. Petersen Herr using employee court enterance pass to enter courtroom--"Tweets--Attorney General Kline is a douchbag" Rare Audio-Visual Historical tapes and DVDs Now avaliable to Historical Museums world wide Amicusveritas Youtube --Amicusveritas.Org
| John Kennedy Assasination![]()
| Jackie Kennedy![]()
| Carson Verzola Audio Visual Historical Archives![]()
| China source of contaminated food products![]()