Guests: RADIO PREACHER MAN - GUEST ROBERT REILAND (Jesus and the Third Temple: The Complete Guide to the Ancient History and Secret Rituals of the Red Heifer Ceremony); AND David Witt, Spirit of Martyrdom,, 928-634-1419 We are facing the end of days as written in the Bible, and it is obvious that America is under judgment. It is imperative, especially now, that we develop a close relationship with our Creator Jesus. In these end days, it is vital to hear the Word of God and then be a doer of the Word. DO YOU NEED HELP WITH THIS? Well, then, the Radio Preacher Man is the man with Gods plan! It is extremely urgent now to get prepared, be prepared and help others prepare for His Second Coming. PLEASE VISIT WWW.RADIOPREACHERMAN.SHELFRELIANCE.COM AND GET PREPARED FOR ALL DISASTERS.YOU, TOO, CAN START YOUR OWN BUSINESS WITH RPM. HE WILL HELP YOU TOO IF YOU NEED THE INITIAL 129 DOLLARS TO START UP. JUST EMAIL MONIQUEBAUGUS@HOTMAIL.COM
radio preacher man | SHELF RELIANCE | robert reiland | jesus and the third temple | marshall masters
radio preacher man | SHELF RELIANCE | robert reiland | jesus and the third temple | marshall masters