The complete title of Robert Parrys latest book is "Americas Stolen Narrative: From Washington and Madison, to Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes, to Barrack Obama." From Parrys article, "Why I Wrote The Book." [Excerpt] ... From my 35 years as a Washington journalist, I have concluded that the biggest threat to America's democratic Republic is the spreading of false or misleading storylines about the nation's history. Key facts are covered up and founding principles are twisted, thus overriding the ideal of an informed electorate. Especially since the Vietnam War, the American narrative has diverged dangerously from the truth, as a sophisticated and well-funded infrastructure of propaganda has emerged to shut down legitimate inquiries and leave the people unsure what to believe. This propaganda system also has reached back in time to rewrite the story of America's Constitution to make it fit with modern right-wing ideology.So, the point of my new book, America's Stolen Narrative, is to correct some of the key storylines both in the early days and recently. ... "Several people who have already read America's Stolen Narrative have described its revelations as “jaw-dropping,” but the book doesn't pander to any political faction. While the evidence is most devastating to Republicans because they engaged in acts that could reasonably be deemed treasonous, the reality is not flattering to Democrats either, since they often contributed to the false history by joining in or acquiescing to cover-ups out of cowardice or a misguided sense of patriotism." [End of Excerpt]
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