Dr. Jason B. Whitman has acquired many honors and accolades. He has most recently been appointed National Policy Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation and State Chairman of the Wyoming Young Republicans. In 2009 he was named the Political Director of the Wyoming Young Republicans. Most recently, Jason was named one of the most effective political tweeters by the Washington Post. Dr. Whitman is the author of the upcoming book Destruction: The Left's War on American Exceptionalism. He writes for Breitbart.com and may be found on Twitter at @JasonBWhitman. A City Councilwoman in Ohio, entrepreneur, political activist and conservative blogger, Sara Marie Brenner discusses local, national and international politics in her blunt, "call it like it is" style. With her theatrical background, Brenner is able to host a lively, engaging talk show while holding serious discussions about issues that matter to us all.
Jason B Whitman | Young Republicans | politics | mitt romney | sara marie brenner
Jason B Whitman | Young Republicans | politics | mitt romney | sara marie brenner