TUNE INTO Civil Alert Tonight to gain insight about Caanan and the Caananland Moors with Sheik Kudjo Adwo El. Many have aked why are they calling themeselves "Canaanland Moors"? Civil Alert Risings response: Do yall remember the old spirituals where the enslaved ancestors within the United States territory used to sing about Canaan and how they were bound and headed towards that land to attain freedom? Come to find out, the ancestors were not speaking about Caanan in the Middle East they were talking about Canaan as in Canada! http://www.negrospirituals.com/news-song/bound_for_canaan_land.htm Representing from Toronto, Sheik Kudjo Adwo El will be live and direct to give an historical sketch about Canaan(Canada), to discuss the political cultural landscape of Toronto, to share his travels from Pan-Africanism to Moorish Science to becoming a Sheik. Also will find out more about the controversies that comes along wih being in a active leader. Tonights Style: Traditional Introspective One-on-One Interview Like always, have your pen and your paper ready because either the host, the guest or the callers will provide keys that uncovers and connects the dots. Civil Alert Rising Radio Informative, Engaging & 3rd Eye Opening Cal 858.357.8450 (Option 1 to Ask/Speak) Follow us on twitter @civilalertworld
caananland moors![]()
| kudjo adwo el![]()
| who are the moors![]()
| cananda black history![]()
| sheik moorish sceience temple of america![]()
caananland moors