we are now forming an international citizens news team that will span the globe and command power and respect. we are now recruiting a team made up of one thousand volunteers who want to learn digital internet radio production and be part of a global citizen news network. more and more citizens are making and shaping the world news. the technology of the day has created massive opportunities for anyone to be a news person and be able to post that news on the world wide web and change the way people think and react or interact, for the first time in news history main stream media is afraid that it is taking a back seat to delivering the real news. what we are doing here is creating a very focused and targeted group dedicated to bringing news and information to one location from around the world that will not be controlled by banking cartells or mega corporations. you will receive training and ongoing education from some of the best in the business and you will be an offical part of a legitimate and already established independent Internet public radio outlet. this has never been done in this way ever. we will be the first to bring this many citizens together in one place from around the world to dig deep into the issues of the day and bring them to the public raw and uncencored. as I have said many times this will not be easy and it does come with many risk and pitfalls however the end product will be as powerful and exciting as anything on the planet. this is a very responsible position and will require much attention to detail and truth. you will be in a high position of power and must be very careful how you walk and talk and act. come and join us and make 2013 the year we all come together as one and stand tall and make this happen.