A Colorado University is under fire for suggesting tips that women can employ to fend off a rapist. Were they suggesting taking a self defense course, using pepper spray, or defending using a firearm? Nope. They suggested vomit, urine or telling the rapist you have a disease. Nice. Rep Joe Salazar couldnt wait to get in on the action with his brand of ignorance by suggesting that women are far too hysterical to be trusted with a handgun because they might start shooting if they even feel like they might be attacked. I guess the War on Woman really IS being perpetrated by leftists as weve long been saying. Also Obama is threatening everything but a plague of frogs will occur if evil House Republicans allow the sequestration cuts, which were his idea, to occur on March 1st. The seas will rise, firefighters and teachers will lose their jobs, planes will fall from the sky as air traffic controllers are told to go home.... Not likely. Sounds to me like the same gloom and doom predictions of Armageddon we heard back in 1995 from Bill Clinton and the Democrats. Well cut through the hype. Also: What the heck is up with the ammo shortage and sky high prices?
Sequester | Rape | Joe Salazar | Gun Control | Vomit To Prevent Rape
Sequester | Rape | Joe Salazar | Gun Control | Vomit To Prevent Rape