The bill, known as the Marketplace Fairness Act “I'm not above believing in miracles,” said Dan Holler, a spokesman for Heritage Action, the activist arm of the conservative Heritage Foundation, which has made opposition to the Internet tax bill a “key vote” — so far with little impact. “What it means is a lot of money for states and localities,” Senator Richard Durbin, Democrat of Illinois and one of the bill's champions, said on Monday. Old-fashioned retailers are going bust, leaving towns marred by vast, empty storefronts. Those that remain complain of “showrooming,” when shoppers inspect their wares, then leave the store to buy the same products on the Internet, finding lower prices and avoiding sales taxes. Republicans will lose the House in 2014 over their support for allowing criminals and terrorist to purchase guns! Earth Day and wind and solar power --lets do it! &a
Wind and Solar | Marketplace Fairness Act | showrooming | terrorist purchase guns | Civilian Courts
Wind and Solar | Marketplace Fairness Act | showrooming | terrorist purchase guns | Civilian Courts