George W. Bush opens his presidential library, and reminds poor, oppressed Americans yearning to be free what an American president sounds like; Jason Collins dribbles down the lane and takes it to the hole; Smoke and fire, the two commodities Gollyfornia still has in abundance (okay, they have lots and lots of debt and debauchery, too); House Republicans doggedly persist in doing the right thing by pursuing Benghazi-gate, if only for the vanishingly tiny chance that a fair history of this dark age might still be written; and the quantity of "Islamophobic" evidence in the Boston Marathon bombing that were supposed to studiously ignore grows bigger than Muhammeds mountain.
Oh happy days | Collins pounds it inside | California Wildfires | Bottomless Benghazigate | Three More Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects
Oh happy days | Collins pounds it inside | California Wildfires | Bottomless Benghazigate | Three More Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects