Scandals, cover-ups, lies and more scandals. Is it a surprise that the IRS is targeting Americans? After all they've been doing for 100 years. Are you shocked that the White House is spying on the press? A little odd since they've been carrying water for this tyrannical government. Benghazi, Fast & Furious, PPACA, on and on and on. Don't be fooled, don't be distracted. These are nothing more than symptoms of a larger disease: Tyranny born of Libido Dominandi, the Lust for Power. Take courage, this is evidence that progressivism is falling under its own weight (perhaps that was the intent.) Now is not the time to sit back. It is not the time to complain. It is the time to strike a blow against tyranny, for the Republic. Sic semper evello mortem Tyrannis. Tyranny is assured UNLESS liberty-loving people of good conscience can set aside their differences and band together against the rising tide of collectivism, statism and oligarchy. Grassroots conservatives and libertarians, whether Republicans, alternate party or independent (who agree far more than we disagree) MUST work together to ensure the restoration of Constitutionally limited government – it is up to you. Join Tex and Rex for irreverent, relevant and radioactive conservatism with a bite Sunday night at 10:00 pm EDT Please LIKE and SHARE this pic & our Show page on Facebook: And consider joining our Liberty Militia where we post links from clips & articles from the show:
Conservative | IRS Scandal | Benghazi | 2nd Amednment | Liberty
Conservative | IRS Scandal | Benghazi | 2nd Amednment | Liberty