How republicans can take back America! 1) reduce taxes on everyone 2) Fairness doctrine 3) reduce unemployment insurance to no more than 13 weeks 4) Vote the democrats out of office with their divisive politics 5) reduce capital gains 6) Barrack Obama, the man from Kenya is not qualified to be president. I support tax cuts, I am a staunch Ronald Reagan conservative. By cutting taxes, you encourage people and businesses to take prudent risks to stimulate the economy. i support this bill, but it will not hurt me to suffer tthrough two more years to vote all lying democrats out of Office. Once its found out hes not eligible to run or kold office, anyand all laws he implemented will be invalid, null, and void. The truth always prevails in the end. The democrats, socialists like Barry Hussein Obama, radical muslims, and communists all Lie! Reduce taxes, the Tea party movement is real. TEA stands for taxed enough already There is one big government of elitist career politicians. It has a left wing and a right wing. The Democrats and the Republicans both are responsible for the mess this country is in. Average, everyday citizens have had enough of them both. Big government no longer listen to the will of the people and has turned against the American people. It is out of control. It needs to be reined in.
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