Why do we continue to let politicians and the 1% media play us like puppets? More importantly, how can we reverse the trend? Divide and Conquer. It's a strategy that's as old as time itself; yet no one ever seems to see it coming. Or perhaps, like a horrific car crash, we just can't seem to look away. And in doing so, we overlook a vast parcels of common ground. Here are just a few examples of issues that the majority of Americans (sometimes the vast majority) agree on. 80% of Americans oppose the Citizens United ruling, including 65 percent who "strongly" oppose it, an unusually high intensity of sentiment. (ABC) 65% of Americans say the U.S. Senate should have passed the measure that would have expanded background checks for gun purchases (Gallup) 64% agree with the statement that it is a "good idea" to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations, because they should pay their fair share and can afford to pay more to help fund programs and government operations. (NBC/WSJ) 71% support raising the minimum wage to at least $9 an hour. (Gallup) 66% of U.S. adults say they favor the Keystone XL pipeline, including 82% of Republicans, 70% of independents-70%, and 54% of Democrats. (Pew) Given this data, why do we allow ourselves to be stirred to passion to the point where we take up “political arms” against our neighbors? Join us tonight on Press [1] for Democracy (9 PM EST) for a lively discussion and the immense, hatred-filled divide of American Politics, those who continue to employ Divide and Conquer strategies and why, and how we can overcome them to reclaim OUR democracy.
independant | Conservative | Progressive | United | Liberal
independant | Conservative | Progressive | United | Liberal