Hotheads on the left and the right march in lock-step toward yet another war, as the Moslem jihadis wage a holy war against the last secular Middle-Eastern country. Yet, the ‘rebels' the federal government is going to arm are mostly the same as those whom we target in the ‘War on Terror.' Why is the duopoly beating the war drums in support of jihadi terrorists while a scandal-ridden administration targets Patriots at home? Why is the ‘conservative' GOP leadership labeling a defender of the Constitution a traitor? Is the DC kabuki theatre distracting us from a police-state at home with another war abroad, while distracting us from wars abroad with scandal after scandal after scandal? The pressure can seem overwhelming, but these are signs of a falling empire – it is time for the Republic to strike back! Tyranny is assured UNLESS liberty-loving people of good conscience can set aside their differences and band together against the rising tide of collectivism, statism and oligarchy. Grassroots conservatives and libertarians, whether Republicans, alternate party or independent (who agree far more than we disagree) MUST work together to ensure the restoration of Constitutionally limited government – it is up to you. Join Tex and Rex for irreverent, relevant and radioactive conservatism with a bite Sunday night at 10:00 pm EDT “Following on the credible evidence that the regime has used chemical weapons against the Syrian people, the President has augmented the provision of non-lethal assistance to the civilian opposition, and also authorized the expansion of our assistance to the Supreme Military Council.” – Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, June 2013 Please LIKE and SHARE this pic & our Show page on Facebook:
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