We continue the conversation on the Congressional debate over immigration reform. Yesterday we talked about the divide among Republicans on several issues and what it will mean for passage in the House. However, an article in Politico today makes the case a divide among Democrats may also imperil the overhaul of the immigration system. Senator Chuck Schumer's plan to garner more than 70 votes as a way of helping to ensure passage in the House may be meeting resistance from other Democratic leaders and for more on what it all means we talk to Seung Min Kim, Congressional Reporter for POLITICO. Then we continue our coverage of Edward Snowden. Snowden is the former CIA employee who revealed himself to be the leak that gave the Guardian and Washington Post newspapers information about the National Security Agency's surveillance program in which they collected phone records and Internet information of millions of Americans. Earlier we heard the argument that Snowden is a whistleblower who revealed the government's illegal activities. Today U Chicago law prof Geoffrey Stone argues the law is clear about Snowden's activities and what he did was illegal. Then we get a review of the news of the day from our own Jamila Bey. Jamila is the hsot of SPAR with Jamila and she spent much of the day on the Hill today and will be reporting in about Clapper's testimony to Congress about the NSA program among other stories. We will also have a retrospective today on the anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court case that legalized interracial marriage.
| Edward Snowden![]()
| NSA![]()
| Clapper![]()
| Loving v Virginia![]()