“Man is by nature a political [rational] animal” stated Aristotle. Bastiat wrote, “If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?" The arrogance of technocrats and tyrants will always cause them to use the law to provide privilege to fellow travelers and useful idiots while enslaving the rest of us. Emperor Obama and his bureaucratic technocrats forced an unconstitutional law through a complicit Congress. PPACA (Obamacare) was passed as a Senate bill and deemed a tax by SCOTUS; yet, according the Constitution, revenue bills MUST originate in the House. Now, the Executive is unilaterally choosing to delay sections of this illicit law! POTUS has delayed the employer mandate of PPACA in order to avoid political pot holes for the 2014 mid-terms; yet he presses forward with the individual mandate tax and the contraception mandate; effectively taxing Americans for a non-activity and violating the First Amendment? If this is law, is there anything the government and those connected to it cannot do to you? Are you free?Tyranny is assured UNLESS liberty-loving people of good conscience can set aside their differences and band together against the rising tide of collectivism, statism and oligarchy. Grassroots conservatives and libertarians, whether Republicans, alternate party or independent (who agree far more than we disagree) MUST work together to ensure the restoration of constitutionally limited government – it is up to you. Join Tex and Rex for irreverent, relevant and radioactive conservatism with a bite Sunday night at 10:00 pm EDT
Conservative | Constitution | Obamacare | Nullification | Tenth Amendment
Conservative | Constitution | Obamacare | Nullification | Tenth Amendment