Voters are fed up and fired up! Voters voted in liars. Voters are the ones, and the only ones who can see to it that the liars straighten up and fly right. If the liars choose to continue their lying ways, then come time to vote, VOTEEM Out! Voters in some of the poorest of states continue to vote for republicans. Its not working. Youre not working and your children who managed to graduate high school are not working because the GOP signed contracts to not ever raise taxes on businesses. The inequality we live with in America is because of individual greed of the 1% and failure of citizens to exercise their voting power, and voters trusting politicians to do the right thing. Voters, it is past time. Move those elephants and give equality a chance to flourish into prosperity for all Americans.
Voters Unite | Poor state voters | Move the Elephants | Poor state politicians | Wheres the jobs
Voters Unite | Poor state voters | Move the Elephants | Poor state politicians | Wheres the jobs