Your Imperial POTUS accused Assad of crossing a ‘red line' and then blamed you and the whole world for drawing the line in the first place! Yet, it is he who crossed the red line by attempting to unilaterally wage undeclared war in your name WITHOUT the permission of Congress. Not that they are much better. A House full of Red RINO neocon corporatists provides POTUS with cover and fails to stand on principle, the Constitution and sound politics. Perhaps it is well past time to give the Red RINOs a Red Penalty Card and take them out of the game! There is a growing wing of the GOP that is actually conservative, which is 2/3 libertarian (Classical Liberal like the Founding Fathers), but they can't restore the Republic without a grassroots tsunami – YOU are that tsunami. Tyranny is assured UNLESS liberty-loving people of good conscience can set aside their differences and band together against the rising tide of collectivism, statism and oligarchy. Grassroots conservatives and libertarians, whether Republicans, alternate party or independent (who agree far more than we disagree) MUST work together to ensure the restoration of constitutionally limited government – it is up to you. End the welfare/warfare police state. DEMAND Congress say NO to war in Syria and send a tsunami of grassroots Constitutionalists to join Sen Ted Cruz and Co to by forcing the Imperial Executive to either defund Obamacare or shut down the Federal cum National Leviathan government! Join Tex and Rex for irreverent, relevant and radioactive conservatism with a bite Sunday nights at 10:00 pm EDT Call in to speak with the hosts (646) 649-1013 Please LIKE and SHARE here and Facebook:
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