Thanks for listening to part one of The GOP is the weakest link on yesterday. I shared with you a list of President Obama's accomplishments over the last 5 years. There are numerous ways the President has worked for and with the people who sent him. He has been courageous and steadfast in his efforts to leave America better than he found it. He has been successful. Accomplishments has mounted and with no thanks to the GOP, America's weakest link. So sad! On Jan 20, 2009 a GOP group of 15 met to sabotage President Obama's term in office. With all the backing of big money, and scandalous lies, and mockery, the GOP failed and President Obama is now in his second term as president of the United States. The people of America are not weak. The people of America can see clearly. Even some who didn't vote for Obama first time around came on board the 2nd time. For as American's always have done, enough have always stood up for the good of America, for we Americans recognize that we are a great human chain. And a chain is not, cannot be any stronger than it's weakest link. The GOP is old, rusty, and has served it's purpose. The new Republicans just might need to revive that party, starting with "A new name"?
GOP US weakest link | Grows poverty | Grows Racial Animosity | Scam the courts | gerrymandering districts
GOP US weakest link | Grows poverty | Grows Racial Animosity | Scam the courts | gerrymandering districts