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Fight Like a Girl! Defund Obamacare! - Sep 22,2013

Yes we can! Here we go again. The Lame Stream Media will tell you. So will their fellow sufferers of ECBR (East Coast Brain Rot), establishment Republicans and brilliant analysts like the poster boy for that ailment, Karl Rove. Friday's vote in the House of Representatives to send the Senate a Continuing Resolution to fund every single thing in the federal government, from the Pentagon to other important expenditures of federal funds like studying the genitalia of waterfowl or figuring out why lesbians are fat, with one notable exception, the heinous (Un)Affordable Care Act was a pointless, and even self-destructive gesture. “It will never work.” “It's impossible,” they wail. I'm glad these gutless wonders weren't around in 1775, or we'd be pledging allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen. Yet, not only has Congress enacted several modifications to Obamacare, which King Barack has signed, he himself has decided to unilaterally delay some provisions, give waivers to some of his friends, and otherwise behave like a dictator. The Constitution gives the power of the purse to the House. You'd think a Constitutional scholar like himself would know that, and certainly not mock the House for exercising its responsibility by making the very bizarre claim last week that their actions are those befitting a “banana republic,” when that label is more appropriate for the lawlessness of his gangsta government. Special guest Mychal Massie of Conservative Rants.

2nd Amendment | Mychal Massie | Wayne LaPierre | Government Shutdown | Obamacare

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