PART 2 interview with Claire Conner. Author of "Wrapped In The Flag: A Personal History of America's Radical Right" She is a woman that used her pen to dispell myths and untruths. She spoke the truth based on her life's experiences, her voice for kindness and compassion, her hands for charity and her heart for love. For those who don't like her, like the ultra right wing John Birch Society, she forgives but not forget. She is a master at what she does. A Picasso with her pen, she brings Truth to Power and gives sight to those blinded by the smoke and mirror that passes off as journalism in modern day America. As Reggae King Bob Marley rightly said, "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds...". With her book, "Wrapped in the Flag: A Personal History of America's Radical Right", she brings a sinister secret society to light and calls them out for who they really are: extreme right wing "Christian", hateful, bigoted, xenophobic, homophobic, sick and twisted. She writes with clarity, honesty and passion out of the deep love she has for her country. The Kirkus Review and the Tampa Bay Times both named her book #1 "Best of 2013". Kitchen Politics 123 Radio Show with Dave & Lori is pleased to welcome a dedicated mother, loyal wife, a devoted daughter, a cool sister to her siblings and a true friend to all those who know her personally. She's one of the best writers we've seen in 21st Century America. We're glad to welcome author extrodinaire Claire Conner! Kitchen Politics 123. "We're Not Anti-Social, Just Anti-Stupid. LET'S GET COOKIN'!"