LIBERTY'S THUNDER: irreverent, relevant and radioactive conservatism with a bite live on Thursdays at 9:00 pm Eeastern Time - Call in number (646) 649-1013. Please spread the word about the show. Thanks. All of the shows are available on our Blog Talk Radio page: Listen free of charge in your browser, or right-click the ‘download' link below the scrolling graphics for an .mp3 which you can play in your .mp3 enabled device, burn a CD to share or send in an e-mail message. Get the word out for a true restoration of authentically conservative (which is 2/3 libertarian) governance and end the Leviathan state. Tyranny is assured UNLESS liberty-loving people of good conscience can set aside their differences and band together against the rising tide of collectivism, statism and oligarchy. Grassroots conservatives and conservative-libertarians, whether Republicans, alternate party or independent MUST work together to ensure the restoration of constitutionally limited government – it is up to you. End the imperialist police state and to defeat the Democrat-Socialists, first you MUST CRUSH the RINOs, for liberty! Please LIKE and SHARE this pic & our Show page on Facebook: And consider joining our Liberty Militia where we post links from clips & articles from the show: For discussion join Liberty's Talk: