If you're a Conservative, Libertarian, Tea Party, Bircher, D.I.N.O., etc. who's offended by our show? WE DON'T CARE! (but, thanks for listening and going crazy) Calling RWNJ vile and offensive is too complimentary. Nobody with a shred of decency nor self respect care anything about you, what you think or what you have to say. America, and the World, mocks/ridicule you! Have you no sense of decency nor loyalty to America?(rhetorical question) Be afraid...be very afraid Republicans. Prepare for a beating!!! We'll fight for every seat, in every Community, from sea to shining sea across the USA...AND WE SHALL WIN! "We're Not Anti-Social, Just Anti-Stupid---LET'S GET COOKIN'!" LIKE: www.facebook.com/kitchenpolitics123