From "Welfare Cowboy" Cliven Bundy to L.A. Clippers much hated owner Donald Sterling and the naming of the NFL's Washington Red Skins. Let's talk about Race In America? For far too long this subject has been swept under the rug. Some in the Mainstream Media try to portay 21st Century America as "post racial" since the election of Barack Obama to the White House. Questions: Does reverse racism exist or is that total garbage? Is colorism a major problem in Minority Groups today? (a form of self hate) Is racism subtle or blatant today compared to past generations? Is the "War On Drugs" the new Jim Crow? How big a role does the Prison Industrial Complex play in stoking the fire of "post racial" America? What are your thoughts on the sharp rise of State Militias and other Right Wing Hate Groups across America? The full frontal assault on the Voting Rights of Minorities? Is racism alive within the Democratic Party today even though Barack Obama was elected our first African-America president...twice! (some believe yes) What is Institutionalized Racism and what can be done to stop it? Tell us what you think friends? We'd love to hear your thoughts? Is racism alive and well or is it a case of much ado about nothing? Thank you for sharing all over Social Media. We look forward in hearing from you friends! This is the KITCHEN POLITICS 123 RADIO SHOW with DAVE & LORI MOTTO: "We're Not Anti-Social, Just Anti-Stupid...LET'S GET COOKIN'!" PLEASE REMEMBER TO SAY YOUR FIRST NAME & WHERE YOU ARE CALLING FROM?! LIKE & SHARE: