Let me reveal some bias here. Even though I am doing this piece on Benghazi, because I feel I have something logical and common sense to say about it, I am also doing this because I will get a ton of response. My vocal right-wing friends will call me an Obama shill. My left-wing friends will call me weak for caving into loud mouths. And unfortunately, both sides will shade or distort so-called facts. That's why I am in favor of the new special House investigation into Benghazi. It needs to be done. But it needs to be done correctly. Here's what we've seen so far. It's been all about the money. Political money. Special interests wanting to put their person in the White House. From both sides. Again we see -- there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Let me explain. I think there IS -- or could be -- something there -- in the horrible episode in Benghazi. And yes there needs to be an investigation. First, four people died in service to our country. Second, there are good indications that the Obama White House did change the talking points for political expediency – before the 2012 campaign. Sure, playing politics isn't a shock. But playing politics around the deaths of Americans is something we need to ask questions about. And we also need to be suspicious of a White House that won't work with the committee. From my research – through the maze of political bias – I am currently seeing this: If there is a crime it is more a crime of incompetence and omission -- not corruption. If there was gross and willful mismanagement that led to these deaths, then let the trials begin. But we should be just as suspicious of the Republicans as we are the Obama White House.