President Obama addressed the world drawing the perverbial "line in the sand" on the issue of immigration reform and other issues. For those who may not be familiar with the "line in the sand" reference: Colonel William Travis, commander at the Alamo during the Texas fight for independence, called the men together, gave a moving speech and then with the blade of his sword be drew a line in the sand. Then basically said, "those with me join me on this side of the line; those who don't bye-bye". Well, the line has been drawn on the topic of Immigration Reform and the "Do Nothing Congress". Obama has made his stand. If the GOP does not come up with a "workable plan" very quickly, Obama says 'I will do something" and went on to say "If you don't like it, sue me. Join me "In the Pickle Barrel" at 7am-8:30am EST to discuss this issue and more.