As the world burns, churns and self destructs, Obama goes dancing. The call for impeachment gets stronger every day. Who are our biggest threats you ask? ISIS? . . . The Russians? . . . The Chinese? . . . The S. American Invaders? . . . Our police force? . . . Our own government agencies and law enforcement agencies? . . . The Answer: WE are attacking ourselves. Every time we go to the voting booth and vote for more, because we are too lazy to actually get informed. The bad-guys now this and seize their moment. We as Americans, need to seize OUR moment. Our moment is NOW! We follow OUR laws. Not the laws of the Democrats. Not the laws of the Republicans. But the laws of our land . . . The Constitution! Tune in every weeknight at 8:00pm to 10:00pm to hear The Captain unlock his treasure chest of opinions and ideas, facing all matters of Constitutional Freedom.