4pm EST
Join the highly successful (and controversial) Conservative writer and talk show host, Barry Secrest, and Exo-Government expert, Lee Daniel for a no-holds barred political, religious, paranormal discussion where anything goes!
Listen to the show LIVE or anytime after the show on BlogTalkRadio. Call in to speak with the hosts and join the conversation, if you have a question or something you'd like to add: 1-347-996-3923.
Today's topics include:
Obama Threatens Charges Against Beheaded American's Family Despite Taliban Trade for Traitor
The Great Apostasy: Catholic Cardinal in DC Asserts Islam Shares Foundation with Christianity
Global Warming Hoax Update: South Dakota Sees Earliest Winter Storm Since 1888
CIA: ISIS has 20000 to 31500 fighters
Duh! Headline of the day: Rampant Ebola Fear Takes Toll on Africa Tourism - ABC News
Scientists Look to Ancient Knowledge for Seasonal Forecasting
Photo Captures Obama with Bizarre Head of Horns During 9/11 ISIS Address Last Night
2MBTDC Finally Meets Associated Press: "Motorcyclists head for Sept. 11 rally in DC"
On Eve of 9/11 Obama Decrees "Islamic State is Not Islamic" While Promising Air War (Youtube)
Pelosi: "Civilization As We Know It Would Be In Jeopardy If Republicans Win
ISIS and moderate Syrian rebels strike truce… with Al Qaeda’s help – reports
Pope decries 'piecemeal WWIII'
46,496,145: Food Stamp Recipients Can Fill Yankee Stadium 925 Times
Sen. Cruz Heckled at IDC Gala for Defending Israel
Video: Obama Administration Has No Idea Whether America is ‘At War’ Or Not
Pentagon Official: Obama’s ISIS Strategy Is Doomed To Fail