This week’??s show
War and the Obama derangement syndrome
September 27th, 2014
To be clear, I completely disagree with President Obama going to war with ISIS / ISIL. In fact I believe we have been conned into war and I have written several blog posts about that (here,here,here,here).
Everyone who disagree with President Obama’s action should speak out against it and try to force our politicians to do what is right. Just like many of us spoke out against President Bush’s illegal war in Iraq, we must speak out against this unnecessary war.
That said, America is one nation. Most on the Right, Left, and Middle gave President Bush the legitimacy the world needed to see even in disagreement. Unfortunately, President Obama is unable to get this legitimacy from the other side.
What is ironic is that the President has acquiesced to the military industrial complex. The President has acquiesced to the neocons. The President has acquiesced to the Republicans. So why can he not get the needed support overtly? This is the Obama derangement syndrome. It throws rational thought out the door. GOP Congressman Doug Lamborn’s (R-CO) attack on the President is the latest case.
What are your thoughts? Let’s talk. I will also be following our hash-tag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter.
You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.