Yesterday's show I explained the V formation of the Geese. The time has come, workingclass spread your wings and soar. This is where I am hoping we can all come to a reasonable solution to see the best America ever in the next decade. We can't get there by attacking as we are witness way too often today. The more varied groups come together, the more ti gift of ignorance attempts to divide. What's going on in America today that causes unrest? Too much sitting, talking, wishing, hoping, hating and not enough deliberate proactive problem solving. No one can do everything. Everyone can do something.
What are your efforts to build a better economy?
Why is it that facts evade your consciousness leading you to spew out erroneous stuff?
When did poverty errupt in America and who do you hold responsible for growing poverty?
Make a list of accomplishments of Bush/Cheney
Make a list of accomplishments of Obama/Biden
Which duet Republicans or Democrats gave Americans a better America. Make this decision based on facts surrounding accomplishments only. Not based on how you voted. Not based on you not voting at all.
Come Nov 4th, we get to vote for the people who will better improved the quality of life for all Americans.