What a day!
The last 24 hours have been a day of sorry, terriosts attacks, political shake-ups and these are just a sampling of what's to come.
Our neighbor to the north and top allie, Canada is rocking the murder of a soldier standing guard at a monument of honor. Gunfire arrupts in the Canadian Parliment and a terrorist is killed in the process. Just days earlier a Canadian soldier is run down by an automobile.
Many people believe the United States is on borrowed time and that time is about to run out. Are we next on the terrorists hit list? Are we prepared?
ISIS and ISIS want-to-be's are getting more bold and are picking up ground and new recruits everyday. Where are the results of our "Not War Airstrikes"?
In my home State, South Carolina, the longtime Speaker of the SC House is reportedly going to admit guilt of Ethics, Misuse of Campaign Funds and possibly Misuse of power (position) for personal gain.
Jump "In the Pickle Barrel" with me at8AM-10AM EST as we take a look and discuss these topics and more.