Did you listen to the latest Free Speech Radio News? Youll get headlines and some clips early on with todays show, then the full half hour in the second hour. Wichitas KanVote organization took action this Thursday against the suppression of low income voters. Ill be summarizing the action and commenting on similar activities in the first hour. Why is Wichita quite possibly turning into a center of resistance to the craziness of extreme "conservativism" in Kansas? Here are a list of links to make us think: BBC investigative journalist Greg Palast in Seattle this October, describes Koch history in a 65 minute video: http://archive.org/details/scm-127550-gregpalast-howbillionairesste The same Wichita Eagle reporters create a sequel with Liz Koch: http://www.kansas.com/2012/10/14/2528663/koch-relentless-in-pursuing-his.html#storylink=newsletter How the Kochs' Oppose the Future: http://opposethefuture.com/post/3899905675/kochoil A refreshing view of the Koch's from the last country daily in Winfield: http://www.winfieldcourier.com/articles/2012/10/15/opinion/editorial/doc507b7ce172a60744159856.txtKoch brother, William, fires executive with impunity:http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/10/12/51239.htm Church of Koch Industries fires off approved voter guide to their wage-slaves: http://www.bizjournals.com/wichita/morning_call/2012/10/kochs-election-letter-to-workers.htmlEagle editorial pages open up to women later the same week. First with Vicki Stangl writing of the War on Women: http://www.kansas.com/2012/10/19/2537263/vickie-sandell-stangl-war-on-women.htmlThen with Amanda Marcotte on employment discrimination of women: http://www.kansas.com/2012/10/19/2537252/amanda-marcotte-binders-full-of.html
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