Speak on that!!! Integration Vs. White Nationalism: Interview and conversation with Blak Smiff from blak2afrika.blogspot.com Was integration really the best thing for black/white people? Some on both sides tend to think it was a hindrance to both races. Throughout history we have been taught the supposed positives of integration and the pain of segregation. I want to ask these questions....Should we have been striving for a black nationalist society of our own? Does the educational, financial, economic and political mind of the black diaspora speak to the damage integrating/assimilating has caused? Is Dr. Kings "I Have a Dream" speech really the black persons nightmare? Speak on that!!! is a platform dedicated to broadening the minds and perspectives of what many brothers and sisters and thinking, yet few are willing to talk about. Through great minds, many voices and all eyes we will have raw, real and unfiltered conversations on topics and subjects that affect us all..... We know you have something to say, so Join us! And by all means Speak on that!!!
Speak on that | Unfiltered discussion | Political Commentary | GSRT Radio | Free thinking
Speak on that | Unfiltered discussion | Political Commentary | GSRT Radio | Free thinking