The official date for the 2014 election is less than two weeks away, but early voting in several states has already begun. That hasn't stopped the now-typical wrangling over voting rules in states governed by Republicans. Saturday morning we got a little October surprise from the Supreme Court, which upheld yet another discriminatory voter ID law designed to disenfranchise minority voters. That decision came with a little extra: a scathing dissent from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (joined by Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan). This election year has been a bumpy ride and it isn't over until it's over. The good news is that states that were written off by the MSM as an easy win for the Republicans are now neck and neck, with Democrats either tied with Republicans or just behind and within the margin of error. If only the polls could be trusted! MOMocrats Cynematic and Donna Schwartz Mills discuss the 2014 midterm elections from a progressive point of view. Produced by Engender Media Group.