To listen to the Republicans, this host at SevsDeadSerious has learned that there is NO limit to the level of stupidity, arrogance and downright hubris by those who think that being stupid is something to be proud of and to rejoice in..."Hey, look at me, I'm the dumbest motherfucker on the planet". THe don't believe in climate change because they're not "scientists", believe in white priviledge while watching it take place under their noses, raising the minimum wage because it would stall economic growth for the wealthiest Americans (and why would they care about anyone else), believe that women are an active and equal part of the fabric of the country and that the threat of Ebola in W. Africa is a way bigger problem than a bunch of knucklehead idiots running around killing anyone within range (and we ARE way out of 5000 miles) while filming for YouTube. Republicans really have reached a new apex of total irrational stupidity.